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We are sorry, but this course is offered only in Italian.
Imagine living life with an intuitive sense of connection, with the assurance that you are protected, guided and supported. Above all, imagine knowing, that when you need answers, strength or solutions, they always come. The faculty that helps us live this way, that helps us enter the flow of Superconsciousness is intuition.
This course is offered only in Italian. For information, see our Italian site.

This course is offered only in Italian. For information, see our Italian site.

This course is offered only in Italian. 
We're sorry but this edition is offered only in Italian. We hope to be able to offer it in English in the future.
This course is part of the Life Therapy Academy. It is offered in Italian only.
Are you tired and stressed out? Does every single problem feel insurmountable? Find out how to reignite your inner strength and energy and rediscover a deep sense of wellbeing that will help you to overcome all of life's challenges, both big and small.
This course is part of the Raja Yoga Teacher Training Academy. It is offered in Italian only.

Course offered in Italian only. For information, see our Italian site.

A wonderful opportunity to visit us again! An inspiring spiritual retreat to relax and pamper yourself at a super low price!
An Easter of renewed hope and faith

Easter is always a very special time at Ananda. We invite you to join us for this inspiring and uplifting weekend.

The Divine Light will surely shine on this special Easter, which we will spend in deep communion with Jesus and all of our precious spiritual family. An experience of rebirth and victory that will see us united virtually, from heart to heart, in the Temple of Light.
This course is only in Italian. For information see our Italian site.
A wonderful opportunity to visit us again! An inspiring spiritual retreat to relax and pamper yourself at a super low price!

This course is offered in Italian only. For information and to book, see our Italian site.

Vogliamo che tu ti senta a casa e che il tuo soggiorno sia comodo e rilassante.
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Non appena arrivi ad Ananda hai l’immediata sensazione di “essere a casa” ed è davvero facile rilassarsi ed essere se stessi
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Quote e iscrizioni: informazioni utili per il tuo soggiorno ad Ananda
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Richiedi informazioni sui nostri corsi e sul tuo soggiorno ad Ananda
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