Course: RESIDENTIAL COURSE: Easter at Ananda 2025

Edition - From 17/04/2025 To 21/04/2025
All editions
Code: KE10571
Duration: 4 Days
Teacher: Anand / Kirtani / Uma

SUBSCRIPTIONS DEADLINE: 17/04/2025 17:30:02
An Easter of renewed hope and faith

Easter is always a very special time at Ananda. We invite you to join us for this inspiring and uplifting weekend.

The Divine Light will surely shine on this special Easter, which we will spend in deep communion with Jesus and all of our precious spiritual family. An experience of rebirth and victory that will see us united virtually, from heart to heart, in the Temple of Light.


In this Easter season, we have an opportunity to renew and deepen our faith in Christ and the great masters, who are with us in every moment, guiding and protecting us. Together, we will experience the profound meaning of Easter as once again, it comes to illuminate our lives. 

In this blessed weekend, we will seek to find the glorious meaning of the Resurrection, and together to ask Christ to resurrect our spirit of brotherhood, the spirit of unity among us, among all of God's children, rays of the One Light.

(NB: The price below is for the entire program from Thursday afternoon until Monday lunch. If you want, you can also come on Friday afternoon, and the cost reflects one less day).

Here are some highlights of the program:

On Holy Thursday, for those who can arrive early, there will be a ceremony in the evening to commemorate the Last Supper, when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples.

On Good Friday
, we will meditate together for 3-5 hours beginning at 12.00, corresponding to the last hours of Christ’s life. For us this is a time of great joy celebrating the Mahasamadhi (conscious exit from the body) of one of the world’s great Avatars. In the evening will be a Kirtan dedicated to Christ.

On Holy Saturday there will be a class on the teachings of Christ, based on Paramhansa Yogananda’s interpretation of the Bible. In the evening we will hold a devotional ceremony including the purification ceremony to prepare our hearts to receive the great blessings of the miracle of Easter Sunday.

Easter Sunday morning, weather permitting, we will rejoice together in the resurrection of the Christ Consciousness with a walking kirtan and adorn the cross with flowers, continuing in the temple with chanting and meditation. We will celebrate the Festival of Light during our Sunday Satsang, and in the afternoon or evening our choir will perform a concert including pieces of Swami Kriyananda’s musical masterpiece, his oratorio entitled “Christ Lives”.

Easter Monday will also be a very special day including a meditation and satsang dedicated to Swami Kriyananda's Moksha.

You are welcome to come a few days early, if you like, or even for the whole week to prepare yourself for the blessings of Easter!

Dear friends, we will do our best, but we cannot guarantee that we will be able to provide a translation for everything in your program. We apologise for any inconvenience!

The total price of your all-inclusive stay, which includes course, board and lodging, is:

520 euros (130 euros per day)* in a single room
400 euros (100 euros per day)* in a double room
360 euros (90 euros per day)* in a 3- to 5-bed dormitory.

* Membership card excluded €. 18,00

Course photo credit:


General program - there may be variations

Holy Thursday (optional)
17:30-19:30 Spiritual practices
19:30 Dinner
20:30 Ceremony: washing of feet

Good Friday
12:00-15:00 Long meditation to attune ourselves to Jesus in the last hours of his life, and his Mahasamadhi
17:30-19:30 Spiritual practices
19:30 Dinner in silence
20:30 Orientation
7:00am-8:45am Spiritual Morning Practices
8:45am Breakfast in silence
11:00-13:30 Morning lesson
13:30 Lunch
16:15-17:30 Ananda Yoga
17:45-19:30 Recharge and meditation or lesson on practices
19:30 Dinner in silence
20:30 Kirtan dedicated to Jesus and Purification

Easter Sunday
6:30 Decoration of the cross, followed by a joyful Kirtan and meditation all together
8:45 Festive breakfast
11:30 Ceremony of Light
13:30 Lunch
16:15-17:30 Ananda Yoga
17:45-19:30 Recharge and meditation or lecture on the practices
19:30 Dinner in silence
20:30 Choir Concert

Easter Monday
6:30-9:00 Special meditation dedicated to Swami Kriyananda's Moksha
9:00am Breakfast
11:00 Satsang
13:30 Lunch


The total price of your all-inclusive stay, which includes course, board and lodging, is:

520 euros (130 euros per day)* in a single room
400 euros (100 euros per day)* in a double room
360 euros (90 euros per day)* in a 3- to 5-bed dormitory.

* Membership card excluded euro 18,00

We will offer you:
- full board on the evening of arrival to lunch on the day of departure
- all meditations and guided sadhana
- Ananda Yoga classes
- the course and materials (if any)
- the essentials for your practice: meditation cushions, yoga mats, Aum-board
- kirtan and other evening programs

Accommodation: information and prices

To facilitate your booking, you can calculate the total price of your stay (including the course price) with this simple calculator:

Cost table

Attention: During the Covid-19 period the prices below are no longer applicable. The correct all-inclusive price for each course can be found on its individual page.


Single room with bathroom € 72.00
Single without bathroom € 61.00
Double room with bathroom €  56.00
Double without bathroom €  48.00
Triple room with bathroom €  48.00
Triple without bathroom €  41.00
Dormitory (4-5 beds) €  36.00

Note: To the price of lodging and food, you have to add the price of the seminar, that includes all activities: Energization Exercises Lessons, yoga and meditation and evening activities (on most evenings).

Payments can be made in cash, by Eurocheck, credit card (MasterCard and Visa), Bancomat. We can’t accept cash over 1000.00 euros.


Next time you come to Ananda, sign up for the program Yoga in Action to get a taste of community service and receive a discount on the cost of the course. You can choose the option Yoga in Action for any course where this program is available and you can continue with this option as long as you wish. Your service project might change each day.

When we learn to serve with the right attitude, this is a spiritual practice and is called Karma Yoga. The daily practice of Karma Yoga is a joyful and practical spiritual discipline that will benefit every aspect of your life.

At Ananda, there are two levels of the Yoga in Action option:

Yoga in Action Level 1

75€/course of 5 days

With Level 1, you will serve for a period of one and a half hours. This experience gives you a chance to contribute to the beautiful atmosphere of Ananda.

Yoga in Action Level 2

35€/course of 5 days

Yoga in Action Level 2 is only available if you have had prior experience of the Yoga in Action Level 1 option, or any of the Community Living Programs. With Level 2, you will serve for a period of three hours, split into two periods of daily service.

How to Register for This Program

In the page of the course you want to participate to, you will find, if available, the special price of the course with Yoga in action level 1 and 2. When you sign-up on the website or call or write us to book the course, just indicate that you wish to participate to the Yoga in Action Level 1 or 2 program. It’s that easy. Once you arrive at Ananda you will need also to complete a Yoga in Action Form and return it to our reception office.

How to book

You may make your reservation directly here on the website or by phone (+39 0742 813620) or email ( Your booking needs to be confirmed by our reception office. For courses held online, there is no need to indicate the details of your stay (date of arrival, departure…).

For courses held at our center in Assisi, please indicate your arrival and departure dates and times, the program you wish to attend, your preferred accommodation, your address, phone and email. If you need to modify your reservation, please inform us at least one week in advance.

Our reception office is open from:
Monday to Saturday 9:30-1:30pm, 2:30-5:30pm
Sunday 9:30-11:30am, 2:30-5:30pm

For on-site courses, the programmes start on the evening of the day indicated.
If you cannot arrive during office hours, please let us know in advance.

Please contact us to check what translations are available. Courses, both on-site and online, may be cancelled if there are fewer than five participants.

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20/04/2025 00:00
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The environment is simple, welcoming and inspiring. Our hope is that you feel at home, and that your stay is comfortable and relaxing.
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Your experience at Ananda will include lessons and practices based on the teachings of Self-realisation, and many joyful and inspiring moments.
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You may make your reservation directly on this website or by phone or email.
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Contact us to know more about our courses and accommodation. We are happy to help you find your fit!
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