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This course is offered only in Italian.
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«Mi sento letteralmente trasformata! Non è il fuoco di paglia del giochino nuovo che uno prova per due giorni e poi butta nell'angolo. Mi rendo conto che sono piccoli miglioramenti che si muovono per stati di equilibrio e che mi inondano su moltissimi piani. Mi sento in guarigione su tante cose insieme, è come se un balsamo curativo stesse viaggiando in ogni cellula del mio essere». – Maria Vaghi, Milano
«Questo corso ha rappresentato per me un percorso intenso ed efficace, sia per la mia vita personale che per la mia professione di Psicoterapeuta. Ho individuato diversi solchi molto radicati in me che mi portavano ad attuare dei meccanismi di pensiero automatici autosabotanti nei confronti di me stessa e delle mie relazioni interpersonali. Dal punto di vista professionale, mi ha fornito nuovi ed efficaci strumenti e mi ha dato la possibilità di poter vedere il problema portato dalla persona da una prospettiva diversa, che prende in considerazione l'esigenza di crescita spirituale insita in ogni essere umano. Mi sono portata via tante cose importanti: la gioia e la condivisione con l'insegnante e con il gruppo ed una nuova e più profonda consapevolezza dell'importanza d'incentrare la vita e la guarigione dell'individuo su quella che io chiamo "la terza via", vale a dire la via della crescita spirituale». –Loredana Angeloni, Roma
«Ho trovato il corso molto completo sia per l'approfondimento degli aspetti teorici che per le pratiche esperienziali guidate dalla mano esperta di Sahaja; la complessità nella comprensione degli argomenti è stata risolta dalla grande disinvoltura dell'insegnante che, con grande leggerezza, mi ha condotto piano piano nella difficile consapevolezza legata all'argomento, lasciandomi la sensazione di aver imparato qualcosa di veramente utile per la vita di tutti giorni». –Fabio Bucher, Verona
This course is offered only in Italian.
Accommodation: information and prices
Cost table
Attention: During the Covid-19 period the prices below are no longer applicable. The correct all-inclusive price for each course can be found on its individual page.
Single room with bathroom | € 72.00 |
Single without bathroom | € 61.00 |
Double room with bathroom | € 56.00 |
Double without bathroom | € 48.00 |
Triple room with bathroom | € 48.00 |
Triple without bathroom | € 41.00 |
Dormitory (4-5 beds) | € 36.00 |
Note: To the price of lodging and food, you have to add the price of the seminar, that includes all activities: Energization Exercises Lessons, yoga and meditation and evening activities (on most evenings).
Payments can be made in cash, by Eurocheck, credit card (MasterCard and Visa), Bancomat. We can’t accept cash over 1000.00 euros.
Next time you come to Ananda, sign up for the program Yoga in Action to get a taste of community service and receive a discount on the cost of the course. You can choose the option Yoga in Action for any course where this program is available and you can continue with this option as long as you wish. Your service project might change each day.
When we learn to serve with the right attitude, this is a spiritual practice and is called Karma Yoga. The daily practice of Karma Yoga is a joyful and practical spiritual discipline that will benefit every aspect of your life.
At Ananda, there are two levels of the Yoga in Action option:
Yoga in Action Level 1
75€/course of 5 days
With Level 1, you will serve for a period of one and a half hours. This experience gives you a chance to contribute to the beautiful atmosphere of Ananda.
Yoga in Action Level 2
35€/course of 5 days
Yoga in Action Level 2 is only available if you have had prior experience of the Yoga in Action Level 1 option, or any of the Community Living Programs. With Level 2, you will serve for a period of three hours, split into two periods of daily service.
How to Register for This Program
In the page of the course you want to participate to, you will find, if available, the special price of the course with Yoga in action level 1 and 2. When you sign-up on the website or call or write us to book the course, just indicate that you wish to participate to the Yoga in Action Level 1 or 2 program. It’s that easy. Once you arrive at Ananda you will need also to complete a Yoga in Action Form and return it to our reception office.
How to book
You may make your reservation directly here on the website or by phone (+39 0742 813620) or email (info@ananda.it). Your booking needs to be confirmed by our reception office. For courses held online, there is no need to indicate the details of your stay (date of arrival, departure…).
For courses held at our center in Assisi, please indicate your arrival and departure dates and times, the program you wish to attend, your preferred accommodation, your address, phone and email. If you need to modify your reservation, please inform us at least one week in advance.
Our reception office is open from:
Monday to Saturday 9:30-1:30pm, 2:30-5:30pm
Sunday 9:30-11:30am, 2:30-5:30pm
For on-site courses, the programmes start on the evening of the day indicated.
If you cannot arrive during office hours, please let us know in advance.
Please contact us to check what translations are available. Courses, both on-site and online, may be cancelled if there are fewer than five participants.
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