Tyagi Ranjit Scutti is a yoga and meditation teacher who had his training at Ananda Assisi; he has been a resident of the community since 2001. From an early age he was searching for a spiritual path and at the age of 12 read the Autobiography of a Yogi for the first time. This reading shaped his life, and in the following years he set out to find his own spiritual path, because he did not know that Yogananda's teachings had been brought to Italy by Swami Kriyananda. In 2000, by chance, he received a flyer mentioning Ananda Assisi; when he read that a direct disciple of Yogananda had founded a community, he took his car and immediately went in search of this place, from which he never left. Here he married Vinaya, and together they worked in organic business for many years, eventually opening an organic store in Borgo Rajarsi, near Ananda. They are both Tyagis and live by the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, and love to share them with others.
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Un'opportunità per approfondire il vero significato della rinuncia interiore.
Questo corso è aperto a tutti coloro che sentono la chiamata interiore di dedicare completamente la propria vita a Dio abbracciando la rinuncia interiore, e che aspirano a un voto dell’ordine monastico dei rinuncianti.
Un'opportunità per approfondire il vero significato della rinuncia interiore.
Questo corso è aperto a tutti coloro che sentono la chiamata interiore di dedicare completamente la propria vita a Dio abbracciando la rinuncia interiore, e che aspirano a un voto dell’ordine monastico dei rinuncianti.