Yogindra began practicing yoga at a very young age, and in 1982-83 he became a teacher in therapeutic yoga at the Yoga Sadhana Ashram school in Milan, directed by Sri Ch'ananda. During his training he was especially drawn to the books of Yogananda and Kriyananda, and in 1985 decided to move from Brescia to live in the Ananda community, which at that time was located near Lake Como.
He helped develop the legal and economic aspects of Ananda Association, and was a co-founder and president of the Ananda Cooperative (now Inner Life) from 1992 to 1996. After receiving training in Ananda Yoga at Ananda Village in California, he taught yoga regularly from 1997 until 2004 at Ananda’s international guest retreat, and also offered classes and seminars in several Italian cities. At the invitation of a doctor from the University La Sapienza in Rome, and under the sponsership of a major pharmaceutical company, he taught a two-year course whose purpose was to determine the effects of yoga on patients with multiple sclerosis.
In those years he also taught the basic practices of Kriya Yoga and Kriya preparation classes at Ananda. From 2005 to 2010, he lived in India, with his wife Gitanjali, at the newly-formed Ananda community in Gurgaon. There he shared the ideals of community living and the teachings of Kriya Yoga through seminars and satsangs in many cities of India.
Since his return to Ananda Assisi, he has focused on the organization of guest programs and has served as coordinator and scheduler of the Ananda teaching staff.
He helped develop the legal and economic aspects of Ananda Association, and was a co-founder and president of the Ananda Cooperative (now Inner Life) from 1992 to 1996. After receiving training in Ananda Yoga at Ananda Village in California, he taught yoga regularly from 1997 until 2004 at Ananda’s international guest retreat, and also offered classes and seminars in several Italian cities. At the invitation of a doctor from the University La Sapienza in Rome, and under the sponsership of a major pharmaceutical company, he taught a two-year course whose purpose was to determine the effects of yoga on patients with multiple sclerosis.
In those years he also taught the basic practices of Kriya Yoga and Kriya preparation classes at Ananda. From 2005 to 2010, he lived in India, with his wife Gitanjali, at the newly-formed Ananda community in Gurgaon. There he shared the ideals of community living and the teachings of Kriya Yoga through seminars and satsangs in many cities of India.
Since his return to Ananda Assisi, he has focused on the organization of guest programs and has served as coordinator and scheduler of the Ananda teaching staff.

This teacher's other courses
Kriya Yoga: la rotta aerea verso Dio.
Come spiega Yogananda nella sua Autobiografia di uno Yogi, il Kriya è una tecnica di meditazione specifica che accelera l'evoluzione umana e conduce alla realizzazione di Dio. Questo corso è un'introduzione alla filosofia e alla scienza del Kriya Yoga e insegna alcune delle pratiche specifiche che sono necessarie per l'iniziazione.Kriya Yoga: la rotta aerea verso Dio.
Come spiega Yogananda nella sua Autobiografia di uno Yogi, il Kriya è una tecnica di meditazione specifica che accelera l'evoluzione umana e conduce alla realizzazione di Dio. Questo corso è un'introduzione alla filosofia e alla scienza del Kriya Yoga e insegna alcune delle pratiche specifiche che sono necessarie per l'iniziazione.Kriya Yoga: la rotta aerea verso Dio.
Come spiega Yogananda nella sua Autobiografia di uno Yogi, il Kriya è una tecnica di meditazione specifica che accelera l'evoluzione umana e conduce alla realizzazione di Dio. Questo corso è un'introduzione alla filosofia e alla scienza del Kriya Yoga e insegna alcune delle pratiche specifiche che sono necessarie per l'iniziazione.