Shivani Lucki, founder of the Ananda Raja Yoga School of Europe and Life Therapy School, is one of the founding members of Ananda Village in California, where she lived from 1969 until 1985 when she and her husband Arjuna moved to Italy to help create Ananda Europe.
Shivani studied with Swami Kriyananda and attained a diploma as an Ananda Yoga and meditation teacher in 1973. She became an Ananda Minister in 1982 and a Yogacharya in 1993. In 2005 she was authorized to give initiation into Kriya Yoga (Kriyacharya).
In 1979 Shivani started the yoga programs at The Expanding Light in California and coordinated Ananda teachers and ministers in the United States. At Ananda Assisi Shivani creates the guest courses and training programs for meditation teachers in all of Europe. She often travels, giving lectures and seminars on Self-realization and Kriya Yoga.
She is Executive Producer of the film, Finding Happiness, released in the United States, Europe and India in 2014.
Shivani studied with Swami Kriyananda and attained a diploma as an Ananda Yoga and meditation teacher in 1973. She became an Ananda Minister in 1982 and a Yogacharya in 1993. In 2005 she was authorized to give initiation into Kriya Yoga (Kriyacharya).
In 1979 Shivani started the yoga programs at The Expanding Light in California and coordinated Ananda teachers and ministers in the United States. At Ananda Assisi Shivani creates the guest courses and training programs for meditation teachers in all of Europe. She often travels, giving lectures and seminars on Self-realization and Kriya Yoga.
She is Executive Producer of the film, Finding Happiness, released in the United States, Europe and India in 2014.