Mayadevi (Martina Lauer) was born in Germany, where, with her husband Helmut, has meet Swami Kriyananda for the first time in 1979. When they received the first Kriya initiation in 1981, Swami Kriyananda asked them to lead the Ananda mediation group in Frankfurt/Bad Homburg.
They lived for 2 years at Ananda Village, in California, and from 1987 in Ananda Assisi. Since many years Mayadevi has been in charge of Kriya Sangha, helping devotees to prepare for Kriya initiation and assisting them afterwards to ensure a correct execution of the techniques.
Much of her time is spent in correspondence and talking with devotees about their spiritual life. Her joy and fulfillment lie in helping others to deepen their kriyas and to practice them with ease. She speaks Italian and English fluently and she is one of the Ananda's Lightbearers and Kriyacharya.
They lived for 2 years at Ananda Village, in California, and from 1987 in Ananda Assisi. Since many years Mayadevi has been in charge of Kriya Sangha, helping devotees to prepare for Kriya initiation and assisting them afterwards to ensure a correct execution of the techniques.
Much of her time is spent in correspondence and talking with devotees about their spiritual life. Her joy and fulfillment lie in helping others to deepen their kriyas and to practice them with ease. She speaks Italian and English fluently and she is one of the Ananda's Lightbearers and Kriyacharya.

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